Virginia Commonwealth University

Table of Contents


  1. Buildings

    1. VCU Health

      1. Critical Care Hospital

        1213 E. Clay St.

        The Critical Care Hospital houses intensive care units for people who are critically injured or critically ill, as well as for premature newborns and heart, neurology, respiratory, cancer and burn patients. Each area is prepared for the highest level of care, with advanced monitoring devices, mechanical ventilators and all the necessary equipment for organ support. Expanded emergency areas and operating rooms enhance the ability of staff to respond immediately to an urgent situation. Comfortable, spacious areas for families to wait and for children to play help to ease anxiety and calm fears. The Critical Care Hospital's design - classically styled of red brick for a sense of strength and permanency - blends with the surrounding Court End district. Expansive concourse glass allows ample natural light and beautiful views of the museum and White House of the Confederacy. Glazed main lobby panels trace VCU's history and celebrate a vibrant Richmond.