Tulane University

Table of Contents


  1. Uptown Campus Map

    1. Buildings / Spaces

      1. Building Labels

        1. Building Names

          1. Dynamic Labels

            1. Steven and Jann Paul Hall for Science & Engineering

              Paul Hall houses the School of Science & Engineering. Located on the Academic Quad between Donna and Paul Flower Hall and Stanley Thomas Hall in the heart of the campus’s growing science district, the five-story, 76,000-square-foot building features flexible laboratories, innovative classrooms and common spaces for increased student and faculty interaction. It is an interdisciplinary research building that houses the Tulane Brain Institute, as well as researchers from many Tulane School of Science and Engineering departments, including biomedical engineering, computer science, engineering physics, psychology and cell and molecular biology.

              Construction on the building began in 2020 with a lead gift of $10 million from Tulane graduates Steven and Jann Paul. In making the gift, the couple said Tulane’s creative and curious science and engineering students deserve the best resources possible. Steven Paul is president of research and development and chief scientific officer at Karuna Therapeutics. Jann Paul is a graduate of the Tulane School of Social Work.