Virginia Commonwealth University

Table of Contents


  1. Athletics & Recreation

    1. Monroe Park

      620 W. Main St.

      Established in 1851, Monroe Park is Richmond's oldest park. It is adjacent to the Monroe Park Campus of Virginia Commonwealth University, offers free Wi-Fi, and is heavily used by the university's students. The park's long history includes use as the site of agricultural exhibitions and as a training and camp ground for Confederate troops. It is also the site of several historic statues, the Checkers House, and an historic marker. The park has hosted many rallies and events.

      A master plan for the park was developed under the direction of the Monroe Park Advisory Council, appointed by Richmond City Council, while the Friends of Monroe Park group offered many park activities. 

      The park is open from sunrise to sunset.

      • Park Scheduling: (804)646-0036 or (804)646-0761
      Park Rules
      • Park hours are from sunrise to sunset
      • Glass is prohibited in city parks
      • No parking on the grass
      • No amplified music without a special permit
      • Dogs are allowed only in the following parks:
        • Barker Field dog park
        • Byrd Park
        • Chimborazoo dog park
        • Forest Hill Park
      • Service dogs are allowed in every park
      • No alcoholic beverages are allowed in city parks
      • No open fires are allowed outside of park fireplaces and grills
      • No golf or archery is allowed in city parks
      • No tents, stages or other special apparatus is allowed without a permit
      • No cutting of park trees or shrubs in city parks is allowed