Lake Tahoe Community College Map

Table of Contents


  1. Buildings / Spaces

    1. Main Building

      1. B-Wing

        1. Fiscal Services

          The Fiscal Services Department is dedicated to supporting all areas of Lake Tahoe Community College (or just the college, as used above… just be consistent) in providing timely and accurate financial information and services. The fiscal services team is responsible for processing payroll and outside vendor payments, receiving student payments, financial reporting, and meeting all federal, state, and district requirements.


          El Departamento de Servicios Fiscales se dedica a apoyar todas las áreas de Lake Tahoe Community College (o solo la universidad, como se usó anteriormente... solo sea coherente) para brindar información y servicios financieros oportunos y precisos. El equipo de servicios fiscales es responsable de procesar la nómina y los pagos a proveedores externos, recibir pagos de estudiantes, informes financieros y cumplir con todos los requisitos federales, estatales y distritales.