University of Toronto

Table of Contents


  1. St. George Campus

    1. Buildings

      1. New College III Residences | NR | New College

        45 Willcocks Street
        Toronto, ON M5S 1C7

        NR | Building #131

        45 Willcocks, also called New College III, is where you’ll find the New College Student Council, the William Doo Auditorium, student lounges, and upper-floor residences.

        The site of several ongoing revitalization projects, the vision for 45 Willcocks is to provide a fulfilling experience for both resident and commuter students and to ensure that all New College students have the resources necessary for student success. Once completed, the renovated spaces will include the upgraded auditorium, revamped New College Student Union Offices, a dance/yoga studio complete with sound system, a new multi-purpose room and on-site facilities for commuter students including microwaves and eating areas.