Interactive Campus Map | Occidental College | The Liberal Arts College in Los Angeles

Table of Contents


  1. Oxy Then, Now and Tomorrow

    1. Aerial view of campus

      In the early 1920s, the Myron Hunt-designed Oxy campus consisted of Johnson, Fowler and Swan halls (all built in 1914), Patterson Field (built in 1917) and the Women’s Gym (erected in 1920), adjacent to Johnson Hall. The house that sits alone on the north side of campus is the home newly built for Occidental’s eighth president, Remsen Bird (1921-1946). President Bird’s house, which currently houses the Office of Admission, is now known as Collins House, named by the James Irvine Foundation in honor of trustee Dennis Collins P’94 and his wife Mollie in 2002. Behind Fowler and Johnson is a grove of trees funded by contributions from alumni, local Presbyterian churches and friends of the College.