Building ID: 1214 | Abbreviation: WO
405 McCorvey Drive
Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35401
Home To:
The ground floor contains the sculpture workshop and Sella-Granata Art Gallery.
Classrooms for design, printmaking, painting, drawing, photography and digital media are on the second, third and fourth floors.
The Meadows Computer Lab has the latest in Apple computers and digital art software. Ceramics classrooms and studios are located nearby in the Bureau of Mines buildings.
Woods Hall, built between 1867 and 1868, was named Alva Woods Hall in 1884 in honor of UA's first president and was the first building constructed after the Civil War.
Prior to 1884 it was just called the "barracks". It was first used a dorm for military cadets, but also held classes and a dining hall on the ground floor. It was constructed out of the bricks from the buildings which were destroyed in the Civil War as well as new bricks that were shipped in. Originally the plan called for a large military style building, but because of the budget only the rear half was actually constructed. It was the main building on campus for 15 years until the financial situation improved enough to allow Manly and Clark Halls to be built. By that time the architectural style of the planned Woods Hall was considered outdated and new building designs were used.
In 1966, the students discovered that the University was considering demolishing Woods Hall in order to build the The University of Alabama Student Center. They immediately launched a "Save Woods Hall" campaign and the new building was instead built behind Woods where Dressler Hall, a gymnasium that was destroyed by arsonists in 1970, once stood.
In 1975 Woods Hall was remodeled and the wooden porches were rebuilt with concrete and steel while the iron railings were reinforced and raised to meet safety codes.
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